Basic Soil Health 101

Categories: E-Learning

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Presenter: Steven Eyster, Greg Soltwisch

Format: Archived Webinar


ISA BCMA Science: 1.5

Climber Specialist: 1.5

ISA Certified Arborist: 1.5

Utility Specialist: 1.5

Municipal Specialist: 1.5

Aerial Lift Specialist: 1.5

Topics to be Covered:

  • Soil types and characteristics of those soils
  • Soil density and the effects of tilling of soil pore space 
  • Ph and the impacts it has on trees/plants and how it affects the cation exchange capacity
  • How to properly conduct a soil test and how to read the interpret the results 
  • Organic amendments: biochar, compost, proper mulching, and vermicompost 
  • Impacts to urban trees: Dog cankers, working with limited grow space, how to calculate soil volume.

Course Description:

Many of our land management practices have caused a depletion of organic matter in our soils resulting in widespread degradation of soil content. The soil thus becomes deprived of essential carbon and nutrients, inhibiting the soil’s ability to hold water and increasing the reliance on chemical inputs.

The Basic Soil Health 101 Class is designed for an audience of landscape professionals, including arborists, turf farmers and property owners, who want to be on the leading edge of sustainable practices. This one-hour continuing education class is designed to help landscape professionals understand the benefits of healthy soil and how modifying their management practices can help increase profitability and promote sustainability without sacrificing landscape appearance and performance.

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