Lumber Biodegradation, Protection, and Methods of Inspection

Categories: E-Learning
Presenter: Gerald Presley

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Presenter: Gerald Presley

Format: E-Learning


ISA BCMA Science: 2.5

ISA Certified Arborist: 2.5

Municipal Specialist: 2.5


  • Wood destroying organisms biology
    1. Fungi 
    2. Wood destroying insects 
    3. Marine borers
  • Introduction to Wood commodities and wood preservation
    1. Pressure treatments
      1. Oil and waterborne systems
      2. Preservative systems and how they work
    2. Wood coatings
    3. Wood modification
  • Inspecting wood commodities
    1. Basic methods: pick, hammer, drill
    2. Advanced methodologies: CT scan, ultrasonic, resistance drill
    3. Resistance drill: Demonstration of the RESI drill

Course Description:

The science of wood does not stop when a tree is cut down.There is a whole list of impacts to the wood that occurs post cutting. In this webinar we will focus on the science of wood after trees are cut, which will include: the organic impacts to wood, wood/lumber preservation, and safely assessing wood before climbing.

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